I often get asked by florists what they can do to take better pictures of their florals if all they have is a cell phone. If you don’t have a fancy camera, you can always take better pictures. Obviously you want to travel with something that is light and not huge light stands or strobes. Here are some links to Amazon products that I feel you can use with your phone.
In a pinch and need a soft ring light you can attach this to your phone

Reflector If you backlight this is a must. It will add a pop of light (catch light) to the front of the florals. You can also use it as a scrim to block out light and make it even

Lume Cube more output and control of light, you can control from phone, it’s small, it comes with a diffuser as well. It’s great for travel as it can easily fit in your pocket.
Again this is not the professional set up for a photographers as your strobes/flash will definitely give you more light. I use this when I’m using my iPhone for behind the scenes or creating reels.

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