Los Angeles Wedding Photographer Lucy Munoz created this editorial in the surrounding Los Angeles area.
“We played with light and architecture along with movement. The core of keeping yourself inspired and growing is to create things that inspire you. If you’re feeling in a rut I highly suggest contacting vendors (IG is a great place to start) and putting a shoot together without the goal of being featured or submitting. Let go of that notion being your priority, If it is, then your creativity will ultimately suffer because you’re trying too hard to make your shoot fit a certain brand. When I get together with friend vendors we do so just to play and have fun. In this type of creative spirit we just enjoy the process. Out of that comes my most creative moments. Why? Because I’m not worried about the process. It’s fun, enjoyable, and we get to bounce ideas off of one another.” This shoot was so low key. I got together with Lauriana Fortunata a friend photographer while doing another shoot. We decided that we’d just find a place the following day and shoot this Berta bridal dress for an hour or so.”
The backstory is that I often help brides chose outfits for their engagement session (I style on the side), It allows brides the opportunity to work with a stylist so that they can have a more cohesive look with their fiancee. Also, these pictures are forever and brides really want to look their best! I’m always looking for dresses that are beautiful, memorable, or have a unique or interesting texture.
The result is always fun! In the end if I submit it or not will be totally up to me. The great thing is that there isn’t that expectation, so if doesn’t get picked up, really there is no loss. I get beautiful pictures and so do my vendors!
If you’re feeling uninspired I ask you this: Have you taken a workshop? Created for yourself? Done a mentorship? What are you DOING versus just riding the “I’m in a rut wave?” You must be active whenever you’re in a rut because the lack of taking action will make the rut wave take you further away from your creativity, dreams or goals. That is the same as being stuck in an ocean and not even trying to swim toward land. By you doing nothing the current will take you wherever it wants–not where you want to go. I encourage all of you to swim hard and fast. Show that you’re the one in charge and in control of where you’re going next.
Complaining about not getting wedding inquires, being uninspired, stuck in a rut, not booking is the same as being stuck in the middle of the ocean and praying for a life jacket while holding on to an anchor.
If you’d like to sign up for my workshop (to be held October 24th-25th 2018 click HERE. If not then at least read, photograph, force yourself to go on IG and DM one vendor you really want to work with, visit family/friends and feel loved (yes that can take you super far when you have the love of those that support you the most), write goal is your dream journal that start of small–they’re attainable (like go to an industry mixer, reach out to one vendor, set up a creative shoot, read about light and shadows in photography–do something! You often think that other photographers are dong so much better than you, but the truth is I’ve been in the middle of the ocean, woke up and started swimming for my life–and it was on the merits of others who threw me a life preserver that allowed me to float, eyes wide open, receptive, appreciative and thankful.
I’ll end with three quotes from Rumi that I love because I repeat them to myself every morning or when I am doubtful of this process called life:
Let the beauty we love be what we do ~ Rumi
and my favorite that can easily bring tears:
Whatever lifts the corners of your mouth, trust that. ~Rumi
The wound is the place where the Light enters you~ Rumi
Breathe, we got this…
Gown: Berta
Film Lab: The Find Lab
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